Blueberry Almond Frappuccino
Prep time
Total time
Note that the prep time does not include the chilling time noted in the beginning of the instructions.
Serves: 1 serving
  1. Freeze the cultured almond milk for about 2 hours and chill the almond milk beverage in the refrigerator. If frozen blueberries are not available, also freeze ½ cup of fresh blueberries.
  2. Place the frozen cultured almond milk, frozen blueberries and almond milk beverage in your blender and blend until smooth, crushing the frozen cultured milk with spoon occasionally if necessary. Add the almonds and blend again for 20 to 30 seconds or until the almonds are crushed coarsely.
  3. Pour the Frappuccino into a serving glass. Top with the blueberry jam and fresh blueberries.
Recipe by Go Dairy Free at