Sesame Seed and Chocolate “Flans”
It isn't a traditional "flan" by any means, but it is wheat, gluten, corn, soy, nightshade, dairy AND egg free.

This healthy flan recipe can also also be nut-free, if you stick with the sesame seed base, rather than going with the optional almonds, which offer a softer taste and texture.

These nutritious dessert recipes are from the August 2008 issue of Foods Matter Magazine.
Serves: 6 servings
  • 2 tbsp caster sugar or 2 tbsp maple or agave syrup
  • 3 tbsp toasted or white sesame seeds (or ground almonds)
  • 4ozs dark (70% cocoa solids minimum) dairy-free chocolate
  • 1 tbsp brandy (for the caster sugar flan only)
  • fresh pineapple and redcurrants, or pomegranate seeds.
For Caster Sugar Flan:
  1. In a heavy pan gently heat the caster sugar until it melts and turns light brown. Remove from the heat at once and add the sesame seeds. Stir well to make sure that all are coated.
  2. Lightly oil a piece of aluminium foil and spread the sesame seed mixture out on it. To get it flat, oil a second piece of foil, lay it over the top and roll it lightly with a rolling pin. Allow to cool and harden.
  3. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or a microwave, then very gently stir in the brandy – the chocolate will probably change texture and thicken. Immediately spread it over the sesame seeds and top with whichever fruit you are using.
For Maple or Agave Syrup Flan:
  1. In a heavy pan heat the syrup gently then add the sesame seeds. Remove from the heat and spread on oiled foil as for the first flan.
  2. Heat the chocolate as before and pour over the sesame seeds. Allow to cool slightly then cover with whichever fruit you are using.
  3. Carefully remove to the fridge to cool and harden.
This recipe also contains 2g protein, 16g carbohydrate of which 15g sugar,
1g fibre – 3mg sodium / 0.07g salt and 56mg calcium.
Nutrition Information
Calories: 155 per serving Fat: 9 grams - 3.5g sat / 3g mono / 2g poly
Recipe by Go Dairy Free at